Ph.D., Miami University; M.A., Miami University; B.S.Ed. Miami University
United States History, Humor Studies, American Theatre, Liberal Arts Education
Dr. Robinson is a Professor of History in the Department of Liberal Arts and also directs the Mount's Honors Program. His scholarly curiosity extends to virtually all aspects of the human past, but certain subjects are particularly fascinating to him, among them twentieth century United States history and cultural histories, particularly the history of humor. He has been fortunate to be able to pursue these passions in the courses he teaches.
Dr. Robinson also is fascinated by the historical intersections of political and popular culture expressed through the act of performance. He was privileged to be able to study the lasting effects of performances first hand during the many years he served as Director of Public Relations at the Tony Award-winning Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. He combined this experience with more recent research in writing The Dance of the Comedians: The People, the President, and the Performance of Political Standup Comedy in America, published by University of Massachusetts Press. He has contributed to the Washington Post on humor and the presidency, and has been interviewed on the subject for National Public Radio's "Morning Edition." He also served as an advisor to Oklahoma public television for a documentary on the humorist Will Rogers that has been broadcast nationally on numerous public television stations. He is currently at work on a book-length history of Down East / New England humor.
Dr. Robinson received the Mount's Emerging Scholar Award in 2011 and eProfessor of the Year Award in 2009.
He enjoys theatregoing, running, kayaking, and sailing, particularly along the coast of Maine, and cherishes time spent with his family, particularly his new grandson.