Over Spring Break, MSJ’s choir program visited New York City where we experienced a vastly different culture, learned about historical landmarks, watched popular Broadway shows, performed in stunning cathedrals, and grew closer together.

The Mount Choir in NYC

We left campus at 8 a.m. Monday, March 3, and arrived in New York City at 7 p.m. when we were able to check out our hotel room and explore Times Square.

On Tuesday, we rode the subway to the Oculus, then walked to the 9/11 Memorial, Trinity Church, and Shrine of Elizabeth Ann Seton. Students split up to get lunch in either Chinatown or Little Italy. After lunch, we took the subway to Grand Central Station and visited The New York Public Library across the street. We went to John’s Pizzeria for dinner and then ended the night at Jacob’s Theater to watch “The Outsiders” before heading back to the hotel for the night.

Kelsey DeMange, the choir director, took us on Wednesday to perform at St. John the Divine Anglican Church where the Mount’s President and First Lady Mrs. Williams came to support us! After the performance, some students explored the city while others went to the Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. We had plans to visit Central Park that day, but it rained so people took it as an opportunity to become more familiar with the subway system or rest in their hotel room. That evening, we went to a restaurant in the hotel called Gayle’s Broadway Rose for dinner and got to watch our waiters and waitresses perform, since they doubled as Broadway performers. Once finished with dinner, we went to watch “Hamilton” at the original theater it was performed at, and several students could be heard singing along.

If you followed along on the Mount Media Takeover, you could see us on Thursday traveling around Manhattan to Columbus Circle Church of St. Paul the Apostle where we performed for a second time. After changing out of our performance attire, we walked to Rockefeller Center. There, we went up to the 67th, 68th, and 69th floors and got to look out over the city. We then walked to Greenwich Village to explore the area and grab dinner on our own. We finished the night by seeing “Wicked” in a massive theater, and those who were dressed up for the show took a group photo.

Then, sadly, it came time for us to leave. We left the hotel Friday around 10:30 a.m., had a nice quiet 13-hour drive, and arrived at MSJ around 11 p.m.


While in New York, we learned about the historical significance of each site we visited, each of which had a deeper impact on us. Here are some landmarks that were especially impactful and exciting for students.

9/11 Memorial

We went to the 9/11 Memorial on our first day of exploration. There were two man-made waterfalls where the twin towers used to be and a wall surrounding the waterfalls. The walls were engraved with all the names of those who lost their lives that day. Some of the deep engravings had roses in them. I later learned that the red roses were for decoration and the white roses signified the person’s birthday. On the buildings surrounding the memorial, there were plaques to show people from that business who had died trying to help rescue people. A reverent silence fell on the MSJ choir as we read the names and admired the pool. Tears were shed as we reflected on how the families must have felt learning their relatives had passed away due to an airplane being hijacked and flown into a building. We realized how lucky we are to be alive.

Grand Central Station

Grand Central Station was one of my personal favorites. It is a magnificent train station that was built in 1913 and is still used today. The walls are golden, the ceiling is blue and decorated with constellations, there are two massive staircases on either side leading up to the second floor, and there is an information booth with a clock on the top in the middle of the station. The train station was not as busy as you would expect, and there were companies like Apple selling products on the second floor. You could explore the hallways of the station, listen to live music, find the “Whispering Corner” that allows you to hear a friend whispering on the other side of the main area, and try to find the acorns that were hidden in the architecture of the building. It was a sight to behold!

Broadway Shows

Watching “The Outsiders,” “Hamilton,” and “Wicked” was an amazing opportunity! We walked into Jacob’s Theater bursting with excitement to see our first Broadway show in NYC and walked out in tears having our life and view of Broadway changed forever. The story was beautiful and heart-wrenching, the stage brought the show to life, and the music and choreography were like nothing we have ever seen! I think it’s safe to say that “The Outsiders” was easily our favorite show of the three.

“Hamilton” is a very popular show and many choir students had not seen it live or at all. We got to watch it in the original theater it was performed in. The music was nostalgic, and the choreography was spectacular! We thoroughly enjoyed watching this show live in New York.

The last show we watched in New York was “Wicked.” This show attracted a large audience which filled a massive theater. The music was exciting, and the storyline had us on the edge of our seats! Dressing up for shows we enjoy is always a plus! Overall, watching Broadway shows live in New York City was an unforgettable experience!

St. John the Divine

The first church we performed in was St. John the Divine. It is a huge church with Gregorian-style architecture. Our tour guide explained that the building was established in 1892 and is still undergoing construction. At first glance, the church looks finished, but there are some unfinished projects throughout the building. This Episcopalian cathedral was decorated with photos of the church’s history and housed statues memorializing 9/11 and The Passion of Christ.

(The choir program would like to express our appreciation to President and Mrs. Williams for supporting us at this performance! We are very grateful for your dedication to the choir program! Your support means a lot to us.)


Church of St. Paul the Apostle

On Thursday, we performed at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle. It was stunning inside! The walls were a beautiful mixture of colors and there were statues and mosaics that elevated the grandeur of the church. Our most supportive audience member there was Angie DeMange, Kelsey DeMange’s mother, who came along with us for fun. She was very supportive and made sure everyone was safe. We came to like her very quickly. All in all, we loved performing in this church, which gave us the space to hear how angelic our more classical pieces sound.

Rockefeller Center

Rockefeller Center, as it turns out, is considered a “city within a city.” It was built to promote commerce and creativity. John D. Rockefeller, Jr, the man who carried out this project, funded the establishment of the Center himself. You can go ice skating, find good food in the small shops, and visit the giant Christmas tree in the center of the “city” during the holiday season. We went up to the 67th, 68th, and 69th floors to look at the view. It was breathtaking! You could see so much amazing architecture and all of Central Park from the top floors.

Greenwich Village

Students had the most time to themselves in Greenwich Village. We got to walk around the area, try new foods, and visit historical landmarks on our own. We set the Washington Arch as our meetup spot and split into groups to do some sightseeing. My friends and I went to see the apartment complex from the famous tv show “F.R.I.E.N.D.S.,” and the Stonewall Museum that encapsulates history from the LGBTQ+ movement. Other students walked around the area checking out record stores and nearby retail shops.


If you ever get the chance to go to New York City…DO IT! We had an amazing time! Often, people see New York as a dangerous and chaotic place where people easily get robbed or lost on the subway. While this can be true, there are ways to be safe in the big city. So, don’t throw away your shot, go on a wicked trip with your friends (or school group), and have great expectations for your adventure!


If you are interested in reading more about students’ personal experiences during our time in New York City, head to Megan Thompson’s article where she gives you an inside look into how we felt, what inspired us, and how this trip has changed our worldview!