Our expert faculty advisors support students in building strong applications toward graduate programs. Our Graduate School Planning advisors participate in the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP), the Central Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (CAAHP) meetings, Ohio Health Professions Advisors (OHPA), and other organizations as relevant. The Career and Experiental Education Center supports all students who are interested in applying to graduate school. Contact career.center@msj.edu for more information.

Maria Brown, PhD
Associate Professor of Biology Advisor for Pre-Medical, Pre-Optometry, Pre-pharmacy, Pre-Chiropractic, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Veterinary
BC Charles-Liscombe, EdD, ATC
Exercise Science & Integrated Health Chairperson Advisor for Pre-Athletic Training, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Registered Dietician
Roxana Holland, LISW-S, LICDC, MSSW
Director of Field Education and Assistant Professor of Social Work Advisor for Pre-Graduate Social Work and Pre-Behavioral and Mental Health
Tracy McDonough, PhD
Professor of Psychology Advisor for Pre-Behavioral and Mental Health
Jamie Titus, PhD
Associate Professor of Chemistry Advisor for Pre-Physician Assistant Studies
Heather Helinski
Instructor/ Clinical Supervisor Advisor for Pre-Audiology, Pre-Speech Language Pathology