Marketing major Aiden Riffle ‘27 climbs higher as a Mission Ambassador and shoe salesman, and he treasures all those he meets along the way.

Aiden Riffle found his start in Lebanon, Ohio. While growing up there, he always dreamed of expanding his horizons and attending a “big” college out-of-state.
“[But] I always knew the Mount was close to home,” he says.
Aware of the Mount’s locality and presence, which has had time to permeate the back of his mind, Aiden began considering it as a path to higher education. When he graduated from Moeller High School in 2022 and the window to make a decision got smaller and smaller, a friend of Aiden’s encouraged him to visit the Mount with him. Once he did, he conducted more serious research about the University and realized it provided what he needed to succeed.
Aiden decided to major in marketing—a major he learned the Mount had a great program for and one that was perfectly tailored to his interests. A talented salesman, Aiden spends his free time reselling shoes, so he knew an education in marketing would only reinforce his entrepreneurship. This pursuit has a secondary benefit, though, for Aiden, which is making connections with other people.
“I chose marketing because I like to sell things,” he says. “I think I am good at making sales. I run my own shoe reselling business and that really got me into the whole marketing aspect of my brand which allows me to reach more people!”
Networking Spiritually and Practically
Aiden also makes connections with others through his dual positions as both Campus Ambassador and Mission Ambassador. As the former, Aiden works as a tour guide to show prospective students around the campus. As the latter, which is a role he applied for his senior year in high school, he builds his leadership skills through service, retreat, and prayer, the last of which possesses the highest priority to Aiden.
“My work as a mission and campus ambassador,” Aiden notes, “[creates] amazing connections with people. My first school experience with the Mount was the annual mission ambassador fall retreat. I love giving tours here and hearing [about] everyone's different experiences and interests! I headed to Kentucky by myself not knowing anyone that was going to be there and I left having forty new friends.”
Aiden’s networking is not even limited to his major and ambassadorship, however. Having already accomplished more than most within his freshman year of college, Aiden was also hired as a Mission Integration co-op. In this position, he manages the Instagram page for Mission Integration, creates flyers for faith-based campus events, and often serves as a group leader for various Mission Ambassador projects.
Aiden, who also finds work in the Centennial Field House as a desk attendant, credits many of his occupational and social accomplishments to one of his mentors.
“Michelle Arnold has really helped me through building relationships,” he says. “She also gives me the best advice when it comes to anything. I have learned so much from knowing her for less than a year.”
The Pricelessness of Professionalism
Under such dependable guidance, Aiden looks ahead to the four years in front of him with optimism and ambition. He plans to maintain his diligence and passion in his marketing major, and soon maybe even open his own shoe store, though he knows his skills can be applied anywhere.
Even something as simple as talking about shoes can have deep significance when it comes to networking and finding success in a professional environment—an invaluable fact of which Aiden is especially aware. Alongside his professional desire to continue to develop his brand and clientele, he also hopes to continue making more connections and meeting new people.
“I have met so many great people in my semester and a half here at the Mount,” he says. “I think this all correlates [to my career goals] because relationship building is so important going through your college career because you need all the support you can get. Reselling is fun to me, I love having conversations with people about a similar interest and [talking] about the history and culture behind a sneaker, it’s priceless.”
About our Marketing Program
Marketing majors participate in focused learning of concepts, theories and professional practice related to understanding consumer needs, developing compelling strategies, and delivering creative content and experiences.
Marketing students have the opportunity to enroll in the 4+1 M.B.A. program during their senior year. The 4+1 program gives students the ability to graduate with two degrees in five years: Bachelor of Science in Marketing and a Master of Business Administration.
Interested in learning more? Check out our Marketing program page here!