The Project Excel program at Mount St. Joseph University helps students with learning differences transition from high school to college.

Mount St. Joseph University's Project Excel program helps students with learning differences discover their academic strengths, address learning challenges, and acquire new skills.
In 2022, College Consensus has recognized Mount St. Joseph University in their survey of 30 Best Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities.
College can be challenging for any student, but it can be especially challenging for students with learning disabilities. College Consensus recognizes schools that support the special needs of these students and aim to meet those needs. Inclusion in the list tells prospective students that the Mount is invested in their long term success.
According to College Consensus, "Mount St. Joseph University offers students with a diagnosed learning disability access to a comprehensive academic support program called Project EXCEL. This program has been in existence since 1982, and has continued to improve based on cutting edge research on interventions related to learning disabilities. Students who participate in Project EXCEL will be given one-on-one support to address their own challenges to learning and create personal achievable goals related to their academic program."
Interested in Learning More?
Check out our Project Excel page to see more about our program.